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Meet Marc Puy, the crypto scammer living in Dubai.

1. Warning: Marc Andre Puy, the Crypto ScammerBeware of Marc Andre Puy, a notorious figure in the cryptocurrency world.

Puy operates under the guise of offering lucrative trading platforms, but in reality, he’s running a sophisticated scam. Investors are enticed to pour their hard-earned money into his schemes, believing they’ll see significant returns. However, these investments often disappear into thin air, leaving victims devastated and financially ruined. Don’t fall for his deceitful promises. Spread the word and protect others from becoming victims of Marc Andre Puy’s scams.

2. Unmasking Marc Andre Puy’s Deceptive PracticesMarc Andre Puy presents himself as a reputable entrepreneur, but behind the facade lies a scammer of the highest order.

His operations, such as Puy Consulting DWC LLC in Dubai and Puy Trading in Switzerland, are nothing but elaborate traps designed to swindle unsuspecting investors. Countless individuals have fallen victim to Puy’s smooth-talking tactics, investing substantial sums of money only to realize they’ve been duped. It’s time to shine a light on Marc Andre Puy’s deceitful practices and protect others from falling into his traps.

3. Exposing Marc Andre Puy’s Network of FraudMarc Andre Puy’s web of deception extends across continents, with companies like Puy Consulting DWC LLC and Puy Trading serving as fronts for his fraudulent activities.

Under the guise of offering cryptocurrency trading platforms, Puy convinces investors to part with their money, promising high returns. However, these promises are empty, and investors are left empty-handed. From Dubai to Switzerland, Puy’s scams have left a trail of devastation. It’s time to expose Marc Andre Puy for the fraudster he truly is and prevent more people from falling victim to his schemes.

4. Protect Yourself: Marc Andre Puy’s Scams UnveiledMarc Andre Puy preys on the dreams of investors, promising them wealth through his cryptocurrency trading platforms.

However, behind the slick marketing lies a sophisticated scam. Puy’s companies, like Puy Consulting DWC LLC and Puy Trading, are merely fronts to lure unsuspecting victims. Once they invest their money, they never see it again. With victims in Dubai and Switzerland, Puy’s scams know no bounds. It’s crucial to spread awareness and protect others from falling prey to Marc Andre Puy’s deceitful schemes.

5. Uncovering Marc Andre Puy’s Trail of Financial RuinMarc Andre Puy’s name is synonymous with deception in the world of cryptocurrency.

His companies, Puy Consulting DWC LLC and Puy Trading, are just two of the many vehicles he uses to scam innocent investors. Puy promises them the world, but all they receive is financial ruin. With millions lost and lives shattered, it’s time to expose Marc Andre Puy for the fraudster he truly is. Don’t let others fall victim to his schemes. Spread the word and protect yourself and your loved ones from Marc Andre Puy’s scams.

Marc Andre Puy is notorious for his involvement in crypto scams. Under the guise of offering a trading platform, he lures investors into depositing large sums of money, promising hefty returns that never materialize.
His current venture is a company based in Dubai:

Company Name: Puy Consulting DWC LLC Address: Business Center, Building 3, Dubai World Central, Dubai, U.A.E. Registration Number: 9701 License Number: 10147 Director: Marc André Puy Email: Contact: Puy Consulting DWC LLC Business Center, Building 3 Dubai World Central DUBAI, U.A.E.

Moreover, he was associated with the company DEFMAXX:
Address: Business Center, Building: A3, Dubai, AE Email:
In addition to his operations in Dubai, Puy also runs a company in Switzerland named Puy Trading, located at Schützenstraße 53, 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall.

Have you also made an investment to Marc André Puy and never got your money back? Send us your details via e-mail, and we will contact you!

Beware: Marc Puy Trade Scam Unveiled – Investor’s Nightmare with Marc Puy

It is with profound disappointment and a sense of betrayal that I recount my experience with Puy Trade, a crypto trading app, and its purported owner, Marc Puy. What began as a promising investment opportunity has turned into a nightmare of deceit and financial loss.

With optimism and trust, I invested a significant sum of money into Puy Trade, enticed by the promise of substantial returns on my investment. The terms seemed straightforward – deposit bitcoins into the platform, leave them untouched for a year, and reap the rewards of profitable trading strategies purportedly managed by Marc Puy and his team.

However, as the one-year mark approached, anticipation turned into dread as communication from Marc Puy dwindled, and withdrawals became impossible. Alarm bells rang louder as reports surfaced of other investors encountering similar issues – delayed payments, excuses, and ultimately, total loss of funds.

Attempts to reach Marc Puy for clarification or restitution were met with silence or empty promises. It soon became apparent that Puy Trade was not the legitimate enterprise it claimed to be but rather a sophisticated scheme orchestrated by Marc Puy to siphon funds from unsuspecting investors.
Despite assurances of security and professionalism, Marc Puy has proven himself to be nothing more than a scam artist preying on the trust and naivety of individuals seeking financial growth in the volatile world of cryptocurrency trading. The damage inflicted by his actions extends far beyond the realm of financial loss, causing emotional distress and eroding trust in legitimate investment opportunities within the crypto space.

It is imperative that potential investors heed this warning and exercise extreme caution when considering any involvement with Puy Trade or individuals associated with it. My hope is that by sharing my experience, others may be spared from falling victim to Marc Puy’s deceitful practices.
In conclusion, I urge authorities to investigate Marc Puy and hold him accountable for his fraudulent activities, and I implore fellow investors to remain vigilant and conduct thorough due diligence before entrusting their funds to any investment platform or individual.